Special Orders are for everything else that you don't find on our web site. If you have health concerns, drug allergies, food allergies or other medical conditions not found on our cards or if you want multiple languages on a card or if you need a language other than the ones we currently offer, please submit a special order. We have translated cards into a many, many languages - from Vietnamese to Czech to Japanese. We will even do special cards with your personal emergency contact information, name, address, medical references and a picture of you if you want! ..... just ask.
Just wanted to let you know your food allergy translation cards were great for travelling in Hong Kong and Thailand. With a severe MSG food allergy (plus other food allergies) I wondered about the wisdom of travelling to Asia, but I had two weeks away and not one food problem. The great benefit was being able to tell the waiter to show the chef the food allergy card. Often the waiter would say, "Can do - without" But I would insist they show the chef the card, then the waiter would come back with a different story. They were then very concerned and kept checking that I would only eat from the 'safe' dishes.
- Judy in Sydney, Australia
I have been using your food allergy cards for at least 8 years and am a huge fan. Thank you so much for allowing me to follow my husband on expat assignments to Germany and now China and still be able to eat out and travel extensively. I have bought new cards because I have developed new food allergies but also have purchased them for my daughters and recommended them to MANY expats in both countries - including my nephew who is here in China as well with an allergic son. These food allergy cards give me a great deal of confidence when eating out and the Chinese here in Shanghai have been very attentive to my dietary concerns. Thanks, again!
- Barbara, Shanghai
I have just returned from trip to Vietnam and would like to express my upmost gratitude. When showing your food allergy cards at restaurants, the waitstaff spent a lot of time studying the cards. Often they would consult the chef but surprised me was the limited food I could eat. I realized how much fish and shellfish are in dishes that you would least expect - especially in Asian cuisine. If I did not have the food allergy cards with me, I am not sure what would have honestly happened so I am really thankful.
- Alex in Melbourne
My daughter did great in China with her food choices. She enjoyed the most freedom she has ever experienced eating out in restaurants. Dairy is used very infrequently in Chinese cooking; however, when needed, the food allergy cards were of great help. The Chinese were very intrigued with the cards. Several people commented that the translations were very accurate and precise! Thank you so much for providing this service; it is well needed and very useful!
- Lois, Atlanta
My daughter did great in China with her food choices. She enjoyed the most freedom she has ever experienced eating out in restaurants. Dairy is used very infrequently in Chinese cooking; however, when needed, the food allergy cards were of great help. The Chinese were very intrigued with the cards. Several people commented that the translations were very accurate and precise! Thank you so much for providing this service; it is well needed and very useful!
- Lois, Atlanta
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