Special Orders are for everything else that you don't find on our web site.  If you have health concerns, drug allergies, food allergies or other medical conditions not found on our cards or if you want multiple languages on a card or if you need a language other than the ones we currently offer, please submit a special order.  We have translated cards into a many, many languages - from Vietnamese to Czech to Japanese.  We will even do special cards with your personal emergency contact information, name, address, medical references and a picture of you if you want! ..... just ask. 


Special Order Request Form

To start a Special Order, fill out the form below including any special instructions or comments and then click the green "submit" button.  We will get back to you within 24 hours - maybe a little longer on a weekend or a holiday.  Typically, special orders start at $45.00USD and $20 for each additional language and take 3 to 5 days to complete (not including delivery time). 

Trip Details

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Special Instructions / Comments