October 14, 2024

Recently when I was reading about farm animals being fed peanut meal to supplement their daily feed diet, I found this 2020 article from the American Chemical Society which performed a study to see if peanut protein eaten by chickens would turn up in their eggs or meat.  It was clearly meant to address the concerns that peanut food allergy cross-contamination through eating animal products would trigger an allergic reaction in allergy sensitive humans much the same as directly eating a peanut.  The science/technical aspects of the article were over my head so I had to skip to the conclusion  - which was that there was no transfer of the peanut protein from animal ingestion to consumable animal products such as eggs or meat. In other words if pigs are given peanut meal as part of their everyday diet, their meat will not contain peanut protein.  There are several other studies done over the past few years on different animals, different allergens and with different results.    Here is the article I read:


Tags: Allergies · Animal feed · Consumer Product Safety · Food Allergies · Peanut Allergy